Friday, August 24, 2012

Chasing Fireflies Celebrates Childhood

It was not so long ago that Amy Grealish, Dina Alhadeff and Lori Liddle launched their company, Chasing Fireflies, to create and sell children’s apparel and gifts. With a focus on celebrating milestones and noteworthy events in every kid’s life, the Kirkland-based firm works hard to create delightful party supplies, costumes, artworks and toys that every kid can enjoy, ranging from affordable space-themed items to lavish Marie Antoinette outfits

Cute and little their business plan may seem, it had them a $10-million revenue in just a matter of five years. Today, the company already has more than 100 employees that operate on a 20,000 square foot work area and a 75,000 square foot warehouse. The products that Chasing Fireflies manufacture and sell are a lot less expensive and appeal to everybody, kids and grownups alike, as they all try to capture the enchanting experience of a child’s growing up years.

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