Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Target Marketing for the New Media Age

If you have not noticed, there is a revolution going on in the world of media.  In the past, an advertising campaign would saturate a television market and attempt to hit a target demographic.  We all know that those days have passed.  With the rise of on-line viewing and interactive television, ads can target an audience with the precision of a laser.  So it is no longer a matter of what groups of people are watching a show, but rather what a person is.

Videology is a technology company that is a leader in this field.  Their algorithms allow their clients to focus campaigns in the most effective manner.  This gives the clients the ability to ensure that the advertisements we have always loved are being seen by those who are most likely to buy.  The traditional way to manage audiences, such as Nielsen Ratings or Arbitron can be replaced the way GPS replaces compasses or satellites. 

The company prides itself on having a media platform capable of delivering robust results for its clients.  Remember that the most important part of traditional advertising is capturing an audience’s attention while the key initial face-to-face sale is closing the deal.  Videology uses its math models to bridge this gap.  It finds the most likely clients and then puts together a program that will get those prospects to buy.  Videology’s clients increase their effectiveness and cut their costs.  Videology also supplies their clients with detailed reporting to show just how well the plan has performed. 

This business model has brought the kind of attention that entrepreneurs like.  The company was founded in 2007 and has over 900 clients in twelve countries.  This has led to doubling of annual revenues and new financing from top Venture Capital firms.  Just as Google took search engines to the next level, Videology is doing the same for media and advertising. 

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