Tuesday, March 6, 2012

crowdSPRING: Changing the Design World

Whether a business is large and established or small and just starting out -- or anywhere in between -- chances are good that its logo or web design could use a facelift. Design services can cost a lot of money, money that the business may not have.  But the business doesn’t need to give up just because its pockets are a little on the empty side; simply log onto crowdSPRING, describe your project, business, audience, and price quote, and designers all over the world will respond.

For nonprofits, the benefits of using crowdSPRING go beyond a low-cost logo: registered nonprofits get their work done pro bono. Ross Kimbarovsky, the site’s co-founder, emphasizes that the money the nonprofit would have spent on logo or web design can now be used for charitable work, making it a good deal for every one.

Although not everyone sees crowdSPRING’s work in a positive light -- the major argument against the site’s services is that it devalues the work done by trained, professional designers with traditional contracts -- with almost seventy thousand people competing for projects, it’s hard to argue with its success.

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