Tuesday, November 13, 2012

E.ON: Providing Energy for Europe

As far as German companies go, E.ON AG, more known simply as E.ON, is the world's biggest investor-owned provider of electric utilities and one of Europe's largest public utility companies. With headquarters in Dusseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany, E.ON has operations in some 30 countries all over the planet, with a customer base numbering 26 million. Headed by CEO Johannes Teyssen, E.ON's services include electricity generation and distribution, exploration, production and distribution of natural gas. As of 2010, the company's total assets was pegged at 152.88 billion euros, while in 2011, total sales reached 113 billion euros. The company has more than 85,000 employees working for it.

E.ON was formed in 2000 as a merger of VEBA and VIAG, both energy companies. In the succeeding years, E.ON took over several more European power companies, including UK's Powergen, gas company Ruhrgas, Swedish Sydkraft, OGK-4 in Russia and even LG&E Energy in the USA. Due to these acquisitions, E.ON now oversees numerous subsidiaries across the planet. It is divided into nine units: the Central Europe Market Unit, Pan-European Gas Market Unit, Spain Market Unit, Nordic Market Unit, UK Market Unit, Italy Market Unit, Russia Market Unit, Climate and Renewables Market Unit and Energy Trading Market Unit.

Apart from all these, E.ON UK has environmental projects in the form of the London Array project, a wind generation operation along the Thames River. The company likewise opened a windfarm in Cornwall in 2007-2008 in order to run its “Wind of Change” ad campaign. E.ON also holds an interest in sports, having sponsored the FA Cup from 2006-2010, and is the official energy partner of The Football League. The various E.ON units in other countries have also sponsored other major sports teams. E.ON's aim is to continue providing clean, better energy to the world and keep its reputation as one of the top providers of energy solutions.

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